Company:TATA Technologies Ltd
Post: Trainee Engineer
Qualification: Degree In Mechanical Engineering
Location: Pune
Job Description:
Understands TTL customer segments & their products categorisation.
Familiarise with functional components and aggregates in the specific product.
Understand & Practice product design methodology & processes used to engineer a new component / new feature or functionality.
Knowledge of manufacturing processes like Metal cutting, laser cutting, Plastic Moulding, casting, forging, Spot Welding, MIG/MAG Welding, sheet metal, etc.
Basic knowledge of Jigs, Fixtures & 3-2-1 principle.
Understand of various type of tool/machine designs used in Automotive & Aerospace industries.
CAE analysis for various manufacturing process in Auto & Aero industries.
Understand important GD&T application.
Detailed design, benchmarking of components to meet cost, weight & functional targets.
Reviewing existing benchmarking data and obtaining new data as required.
DMU management, integrating component in assembly & project coordination with various teams.
Responsible for CAD sign-off, BOM creation/ management, requirement compliance.
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