Company:TATA Technologies
Post: Engineer
Qualification: Degree/Diploma In Mechanical Engineering
Location: Maharashtra
Job Description:
Domain Knowledge
Stamping Feasibility of Automotive Skin and Inner panels
Stamping Process feasibility study
Formability Study
Simulations Tools Modeling in CAD
Formability Simulations
1. Qualification
BE,/B tech in mechanical Engg
Diploma in Mechanical Engg
Post Diploma in Tool design from CITD/NTTF/IGTR
Diploma in Tool and Die Making CITD/NTTF/IGTR
2.Total years of experience and Industry
Min 1 year
Max 6 Years
Industry: Automotive OEM, Reputed Tool Rooms, Reputed Design office
3. Domain/CAD Software experience.
Working knowledge in Catia V5 (Surface Modeling)/UG NX
Working Knowledge in Autoform or PAM STAMP
· Domain
Process feasibility study
Process optimization
Method plan design
Sound knowledge of Skin panel quality requirements
Draw Panel development for better quality, blank utilization and for better process
Sound Knowledge in product design change proposal for process feasibility and formability
4.Optimization of Blank holder shape
Optimization of bead geometry
Optimization of bead geometry
Optimization of Blank size for better utilization
Panel flow study (Press automation) : Study of transfer curves for Cross bar and tri-axis transfer press
Die size calculations
Sound knowledge of various types of dies used in automotive industry
Sound knowledge of various cams used in die design
Die Design
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