Company: TATA Projects Ltd
Post: Manager
Qualification: Degree In Electrical/Mechanical/Civil /Structural/Architectural/Procces/Automation Engineering
Location: IN
Job Description:
Assistsin ensuring the overall project design and production process is conductedfollowing the prescribed Company processes and procedures and is in accordancewith the stipulated project budget and schedule (including planning,monitoring, and reporting)
2. Assistsin ensuring the project is following the basis of design by performinginter-disciplinary quality, coordination and space management reviews viaweekly reviews with project teams
3. Assists in ensuring the project is adheringto a strict change management process in accordance with project budget andschedule. Provide technical support required for claims by contracts team.
4. Assistsin executing and enforcing the Project Execution Plan (Design) includingupdating the PEP and associated material as needed when project conditionschange
5. Confirmsto Project Manager adequate design and production resources are assigned tomeet the project-s overall cost, quality and schedule commitments as well asensuring the forecast is current in Manpower
6. Functionsas a single point of contact for all design related issues internally andexternally, representing the overall project in communications with the client,having final technical accountability for overall project design and production(includes managing consultants not managed under other respective Disciplines)
7. Assistsin overseeing the Project BIM Coordination ensuring adequate hardware andsoftware availability for project team including managing record drawingsdocumentation, operation and maintenance manuals and hand over documentation
8. Reviewof Interface works progress and making provisions in the drawings as per theinterface requirements.
9. Preparationof monthly Design Progressive Report, attend progress review meeting withdesign teams, construction teams and client.
10. Coordinationand interface management of the main project disciplines (Civil, Structural,Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical, Process, Process Automation, PlantDesign)
11. Leadingdesign reviews (e.g. P&ID, 3D-Model)
12. Supportof the Project Manager within proposal and project setup (Man loader, ProjectSchedule, Design Change Management)
13. Reportingof current and upcoming design status (i.e. schedule and design changemanagement)
14. Analysis,organization, prioritization and delegation of tasks and follow up of resultsregarding design and engineering issues.
Optimization of design and engineering workflows
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