Company: JLL
Post: Engineer
Qualification: Degree In Electrical/Mechanical Engineering
Location: Haryana
Job Description:
Deliverable Role/ResponsibilitiesTaking handover from previous shift engineer.
Monitoring and Maintain all M&E Related equipment including Electrical Systems, UPS, Lifts, HVAC, Precision A/C, Fire Fighting, Plumbing, Carpentry etc.
Establish Engineering & Operational procedures and roll out the same for site staff.
Establish contacts with Local authorities on the facility related issues and maintain the relationship. Responsible for all legal & statutory related compliances. Pertaining to facility & engineering Operation
Carry out Technical Audits for all installations at periodical intervals
Manage M&E scope of the projects to ensure the quality and deliverables with in the stipulated time
Review the maintenance/service practices of M&E contracts to deliver quality work Practices in line with the manufactures recommendation
Plan & Take responsibility for smooth operations of all mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing installation and civil works pertaining to the facility.
Responsible for planning a critical spares list for all installations as per manufactures recommendation and inventory to provide comprehensive facility contract and procurement management for technical service to the client.
Responsible for managing “360” portal to update the closure of PPM activity’s
Responsible for managing “IDEA” portal to update EHS & IHS related compliance details.
Responsible for managing “CEWA” portal to update Projects, M&E related activity of building for approval and raising CFIR if any incident is occur at site.
Responsible for managing “CAP Training Program” portal for team training.
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