Company: AECOM
Post: Engineer
Qualification: Degree In Electrical/Mechanical/Civil Engineering
Pay:$75,000 – $105,000 a year
Location: Orange, CA 92864
Job Description:
Contribute to the design of regional dams. water/wastewater treatment facilities, pipelines, pump stations, levees, spillways, etc.
Generate conceptual layouts/designs and perform calculations/analyses for channels, culverts, headwalls, detention ponds, operating ponds, spillways, rock drains, check dams, and haulage/access/circulation roads.
Perform hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, quantity and cost estimates, and alternative assessments.
Coordinate and integrate civil design with results from geotechnical, structural, mechanical, and electrical designs.
Develop tangible engineering design skills through periodic field experience. This may include construction support (verification of design implementation, adherence to quality, contractor/owner engagement), site inspections, and geotechnical investigations. Also provide construction support from the office by adapting designs to field conditions.
Create engineering drawings and visual aids using AutoCAD Civil 3D or Bentley Microstation.
Participate actively in client meetings.
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